Kamen Rider Decade

The story revolves around the nine previous universes of the Heisei Kamen Riders merging into one, something that would destroy all the worlds. To prevent this, Tsukasa Kadoya transforms into Kamen Rider Decade and is told that to protect his own world he must travel with Natsumi and her grandfather to the other Kamen Riders' Worlds (referred to as an A.R. World or Another Rider's World) and eliminate the anomaly in that world. Along the way, confronting the mysterious Narutaki and the thief Daiki Kaitoh, they are joined by Yusuke Onodera of the World of Kuuga and Kiva-la of the World of Kiva.[2]

To fit with the photography motif of the series, the main Kamen Riders of the series follow the CMYK color model: Decade is magenta, Diend is cyan, and Kuuga (Ultimate Form) is black. While no specific Rider has been yellow, the armor of Kuuga Rising Ultimate is yellow (gold).

Rider War

The Rider Army (ライダー軍 Raidā Gun), first revealed in Natsumi Hikari's dream, composed of many Kamen Riders, all of whom where seemingly defeated by Kamen Rider Decade. However, Kamen Rider Kuuga survived the initial battle, assuming Ultimate Form to confront Decade once again with the two seemingly destroying each other in the ensuing battle. As Narutaki explains to Natsumi, the dream is a predestined event in which Decade will destroy all the worlds.

Source : wikipedia

Dowload Kamen Rider Decade :


  1. bos itu link yg episode 7 ama 8 kok sama ya..ane download yg 7 trus pas mau download yg 8 dibilang duplicated link..trus pas nonton yg 7 teryata film nya ngak nyambung aama yg episode 6..mohon dibenerin bos link nya :D

  2. Iya gan, salah naruh linknya... Maap... :malu:

    Sekarang dah dibenerin kok Boss, yg eps 7 yang salah, yang dobel post eps 8... ^^

    Thx ya Boss... ^^

  3. boss..itu yg eps 21 kok gak isa di downloadan nya gak jalan ya..link lagi error apa gmm tuh

  4. Lagi Down gan server 46 IDWS nya... Ditunggu aja dulu, ato di lewatin dulu... ^^

  5. gan itu yg download movie W and Decade Movie wars nya kok gk bisa di donwload ya?

  6. Bisa kok gan, coba Modem nya di reset... ^^

  7. gan yg episode 24 g bisa d download!!

  8. Udah ane benerin gan... Happy Nyedot... ^^

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  10. Dah ane benerin gan... Thx... :beer:

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  12. Oke gan dah ane benerin... Thx... :beer:

  13. gan itu yg episode 31 kok msh bersambung lanjutannya mana??

  14. Lanjut di Movie nya gan, W and Decade Movie War 2010... ^^

  15. gan...itu link esp 25 ama 26 dobel dech..esp 25 nya kok lng ke 26
    mohon perbaikan nya

  16. Sip gan... Dah ane Perbaikin... Maap ya...

    Thx... ^^

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  18. Bisa kok gan, Coba di Reset Modemnya... ^^

  19. Bos!! yang eps 17 g ada subtitlenya ya?? indo atw eng!! jadi g ngerti jalanya critanya!! cman ngira2 doang jdinya!!! thx!!!

  20. Eps 17 Udah ane benerin gan yang dah ada sub nya... Thx^^

  21. nih flem sampai episode berapa tamatnya bos?

  22. Sampe 31gan, endingnya ada di Movie War 2010... ^^

  23. gan.. kok decade nya ga bisa muanya gan??? down kah?

  24. Iya gan, IDWS kayaknya lagi Down... T.T

  25. ga ada yang versi hemat nya ya kk ?? >.<

  26. Waduh ga adane Gan... :hammer:

    Bukannya Itu udah hemat??? 200mb an...???
